Make your passengers' experience at sea unique

If you’re wondering how to get into the hearts of your passengers, the answer is Seafy!

Shopping and entertainment

Time spent on board can be transformed into a shopping opportunity for passengers. Alternatively, there is plenty of multimedia entertainment!

Real-time info

Real-time travel updates: weather, ship monitoring and other on-board information.


Wi-Fi network accessible from any laptop, tablet or smartphone, 24 hours a day and from the entire ship.

A sea of services

Seafy technology brings everyone together: a single system offering passengers Wi-Fi connectivity, entertainment services, information and promoting purchases and other offers on board the ship.

Analysis of collected data

Seafy is also a powerful analytical tool that allows you to record and analyse the behaviour of your passengers on board to better understand and meet their needs.

Close to the harbour

Mobile Broadband, Wi-Fi, LTE

On board the ship

Web portal, inCabin, Real-time Digital Signage.

In the sea

Public internet, Public landbased mobile network